Nutritional and Integrative Interventions 

Nutritional and Integrative Interventions 

(Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar and ADHD)

How often do we read these mental health statistics and think that the only “cures” are pharmaceutical interventions?

  • Anxiety disorders are most common mental illness in US affecting 40 million adults (ADAA)

  • Depression affects 322 million adults worldwide

  • 1 of every 6 adults will suffer depression in their lifetime

Nutritional psychology is an emerging field that outlines how nutrients can affect mood and behavior.  Many clients will see a reduction in symptoms when integrating non-pharmaceutical interventions to treat depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and even ADHD.

It is possible to accelerate your therapeutic results by viewing the whole person:

  1. Food: the good, the bad and the fake 

  2. Stress: A holistic approach 

  3. Exercise: Elevate serotonin and regulate stress hormones 

  4. Sleep: The 4 habits critical to sleep

Research shows that Mediterranean lifestyle--diet, physical activity, and socializing helps improve mental health/depression.

  • Sugar addiction--sugar as a substance releases opioids and dopamine which suggest an addictive potential

  • Fake nutrition--alcohol, junk food, snacks, sugar, soft drinks, white foods

  • Stress management--meditation, exercise, deep breathing, mindfulness, music, “ditch the screens”

  • Exercise--pick activity you enjoy, find a buddy, set a goal, start out slow

  • 4 Sleep habits--adults need 7-9 hours of sleep in a dark, cool room.  No caffeine after noon.  Avoid electronic devices one hour before bedtime.  Create a bedtime ritual.

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”---Hippocrates

S.A.D.--Standard American Diet is not recommended

  • High--Meat at center of plate, processed foods and simple carbohydrates

  • Low--healthy fats, fruits and vegetables

Healthy fats are important for brain health--avocado, coconut oil, EVOO, ghee

Proteins are important for brain health--fish, grass fed beef, eggs, nuts, seeds legumes

You can greatly increase your therapeutic results by addressing core physical and nutritional needs with a qualified counselor.  You will discover the nutrients most essential to healthy brain function, treating depression and anxiety, and learn simple strategies that can be integrated with pharmaceutical interventions.  

We have just scratched the surface here.  There is so much more research and information about nutrition and mental health available.  Professional counselors want to help you decipher and incorporate these practices into your life.

If you are interested in taking the next step in your mental and physical health, I have training in nutritional and integrative interventions. Give our office a call at 309-713-1485 or email I look forward to finding solution together!